Our office leads discussions and construction of constitutional theses of great repercussion in the national legal scenario, which shape Brazilian jurisprudence.
What guarantees the difference in our work is the sum of experience in handling complex and legally relevant problems, careful study of the case, academic acuity and the permanent search for innovation in constitutional legal theses.
At the Federal Supreme Court we have prominently conducted:
Actions of concentrated control of constitutionality: Direct Actions of Unconstitutionality (ADIs), Actions of Non-compliance with Fundamental Precepts (ADPFs) and Direct Actions of Unconstitutionality by Omission (ADOs);
Extraordinary Resources;
Habeas Corpus, Writs of Mandamus, Suspensions of Security (of sentences and injunctions) and Complaints;
Writs of Mandamus in the face of decisions by the Federal Audit Court (TCU);
Representation of entities as amici curiae.
In the last three years, we have acted in more than 100 strategic constitutional actions before the Federal Supreme Court, of which more than 50 Concentrated Control of Constitutionality Actions stand out.
The strategic application of relevant constitutional theses by our office is also present in processes that are processed before ordinary instances, whether collective or individual, such as collective writs of mandamus, public civil actions and popular actions.