The certainty of our clients regarding safe and precise legal work has made the office a reference in the defense of large companies contracting with the administration and public managers at the Federal Audit Court (TCU), State and Municipal Audit Courts, Comptroller General of Union (CGU), regulatory agencies (ANTT, ANM, ANAC, ANA, ANTAQ and ANVISA) and Ministries.
Our difference is in anticipating risks and offering innovative and personalized legal strategies, through multidisciplinary solutions, with the participation of highly qualified consultants in the most diverse segments: economy, infrastructure, engineering, environment and foreign trade.
We act at the Federal Audit Court (TCU), in defense of companies from relevant economic sectors that enter into contracts with the public administration, guiding them from the pre-contractual phase to mitigate risks, up to eventual defense in audit and decision-making procedures. of bills.
We also promote the defense of acts attributed to public managers and political agents who held strategic positions: former Presidents of the Republic, Ministers of State, Governors, Mayors and Executives of public companies and mixed economy companies.
The office's performance in highly relevant cases at the Federal Audit Court (TCU) in audits and Special Accounting (TCEs) stands out:
We specialize in defending companies and their representatives in administrative sanctioning processes, audits, inspections, investigative procedures, in Terms of Conduct Adjustment (TACs), Administrative Accountability Processes (PARs), Disciplinary Processes (PADs).
We have expertise in the defense of public agents and individuals (individuals or legal entities) in complex administrative improbity processes, aiming to avoid sanctions of loss of assets, reimbursement to the public treasury, loss of public function, suspension of political rights, payment of fines and ban to contract with the Public Authorities.”